So, I have been thinking a lot lately about my life, and I have found that I really need to have some goals so that I can continue to move forward in life. I have never really had a job, except for the three months that I worked at Subway, so I'm not really sure what I'm good at. I've only really been in the mission field and working for God, which is good, but I really want to do something that I like to do while at the same time glorify God with it.
So as of now, these are the goals I would like to accomplish this year:
1. I am currently volunteering at 2 local schools close to my home here in Panama. I am teaching English from first to sixth grade. I enjoy it, but the kids are shy which makes it difficult at times. My goal here is to learn to teach in a way that the kids actually remember enough English so that it can help them to get jobs in the future. I want to teach them enough that can have small conversations with English speakers by the end of the year. It's going to take a LOT of work, but I know God is on my side and He will help me to teach them in way that they can understand.
2. We will be having our first DTS in July. The first month and a half will be held at the YWAM base in Panama City, while the last month and a half will be hosted here in Bocas del Toro, at my house :) I will be volunteering as DTS staff, which is new for me. I recently graduated from my DTS in San Jose, Costa Rica last November, and this new position is exciting for me. I will be working with the students, helping them along as their relationship with God grows. My goal here is to raise the money I need in order to become staff for this DTS.
3. After the DTS is done in November, I had the option of doing a School of Worship in Costa Rica in January. However, after much thought and prayer, I really feel lead to go to college and get a degree in teaching English as a second language. This way, after I get my degree I can go anywhere in the world and help young and old people learn English and they will be able to get better jobs. English is used world-wide and I have found here in Panama that people are more likely to be hired if they are bilingual. So my goal here would be to get everything I need in order to get accepted into a college here in Panama.
4. I would also like to learn more guitar. :)
These are my goals. I ask that you would please consider praying for me during these transitions for me as well as for my parents. They will be joining the staff for the new DTS as well.
Also, I really need to raise support during this time, so if you feel at all lead to help me out, please email me at rebeanna@gmail.com or you can message me on facebook!
:) Thanks. God bless you all!
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